Two years have passed since my beloved mother left this world, and today, my heart is a blend of fullness and sorrow. As I share these words, I hope they offer a moment of comfort to anyone walking a similar path. Writing about what I’ve learned through grieving her loss is one of the ways I navigate this journey of healing. It’s how I keep her presence alive, how I still feel her love wrapped around me even in her absence.

August 28, 2024

Love Endures: Navigating the Journey of Grief

Trauma is a deeply ingrained experience that can be incredibly challenging to overcome. The scars it leaves behind can impact every aspect of our lives, sometimes creating a sense of hopelessness. However, there’s an inherent power within us that offers hope: the understanding of our basic goodness. Recognizing this fundamental truth can be a beacon of light on the path to healing.

August 21, 2024

Healing Trauma with Basic Goodness

Polly Banerjee Counseling