August 28, 2024
Two years have passed since my beloved mother left this world, and today, my heart is a blend of fullness and sorrow. As I share these words, I hope they offer a moment of comfort to anyone walking a similar path. Writing about what I’ve learned through grieving her loss is one of the ways I navigate this journey of healing. It’s how I keep her presence alive, how I still feel her love wrapped around me even in her absence.
Grief is one of the most profound experiences we endure, especially when it involves the loss of someone we deeply love. The initial shock and pain can feel unbearable, and as time goes on, many of us wonder: What do I do with the love I still feel? How do I continue to engage in a world where this person no longer physically exists, yet my love for them persists, undiminished?
Love does not end.
It’s important to recognize that love does not end with death. The bond we share with our loved ones remains a part of us, woven into the very fabric of our being. Grief is not about forgetting or even moving on; it’s about finding a way to carry that love with you, even as we learn to bear their absence.
This process can be both painful and transformative. As we work through our grief, we may find that our love for the person we’ve lost evolves. It might express itself in new ways – through memories, actions that honor their legacy, or the relationships we build with others. The love we feel can become a source of strength, guiding us through the darkest moments and helping us find meaning amid the pain.
One of the challenges in grieving is accepting that the love we feel will never be reciprocated in the same way again. This can lead to a sense of overwhelming longing or sadness. But rather than viewing this love as something that needs closure or resolution, we can embrace it as a testament to the depth of our connection. The love we feel is a reflection of the impact our loved ones had on our lives, and that is something worth cherishing.
So, what do we do with this love?
We can channel it into acts of remembrance, into living our lives in ways that honor the values and joys we shared with the person we’ve lost. We can allow this love to inspire us, to motivate us to be kinder, more compassionate, and more present in our own lives. We can also share our love with others who are grieving, creating a community of support and understanding.
In the end, grief isn’t about letting go; it’s about holding onto the love that fills our hearts and honoring it. It’s about finding a way to live with the finality that our loved one is gone while the gratitude for their presence in our lives remains strong and continues to grow with each passing day. By embracing the ongoing presence of their love, we can nurture this gratitude beyond measure, knowing that the love we feel is not something to be resolved but something to be lived.
Honoring Ma
My mother’s love was a rare and precious gift – one that enveloped me in the comfort of knowing I was cared for beyond measure. While I may never again experience the depth of that unconditional love, I find solace in the memories we created, the kindness she showed, and the love that continues to flow through me and my siblings. She is not truly gone; she lives on in the way we love, in how we connect to the world, and in the way we carry her legacy forward.
Today, I honor Ma. I share an overwhelming sense of gratitude for her and the life she gave me. I honor the incredible woman who shaped who I am, and I find comfort in knowing that the bond we share is eternal – a bond that not even death can sever.